Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć produkt z koszyka?

Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie produkty z koszyka?

Netgear - WAX610 dodanie urządzenia

Learn more:

There are two paths to adding an Insight device to your network. The first is claiming an unclaimed device. The second is manually adding a device if the unclaimed device cannot be found.

Here’s how to claim an unclaimed device:
1. Open your Insight App
2. Tap on an unclaimed device
3. Tap OK on the subscription message
4. Tap add device
5. Name your device
6. Tap next
7. Tap continue
8. Tap View Devices

If you cannot find your devices in the unclaimed list:
9. Tap the plus sign on the top right of the app
10. Tap “Add Device”
11. Select your network
12. Tap OK on the subscription message
13. You can either enter your device’s serial number, scan the barcode on your device,or tap the type of device you want to add (switch, ap, storage)
If you tap the type of device:
14. Make sure your device is connected to your network, following the steps on this screen
15. Tap Discover Device (make sure your device is on the same network as your Insight network)
16. Tap the device you want to add
17. Wait for processing
18. Name your device
19. Tap next
20. Tap “View Devices”

Data publikacji: 2022-10-20

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