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Netgear - WAX610

Learn more about the NETGEAR Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX1800 Access Point (WAX610):

Join us on our unboxing of the WAX610 while onboarding the AP using the Insight App.

The NETGEAR WAX610 WiFi 6 Access Point deliver customers and employees the best WiFi with higher speeds, less congestion, higher device density, and higher battery life for WiFi 6 compatible devices. Gain up to 70% faster speeds and handle 4x more client devices up to 1.8Gbps of data throughput. Take advantage of the 2.5G Ethernet port for multi-gig wired network connectivity.

Offer customers and employees the best WiFi with higher speeds, less congestion, higher device density and higher battery life for WiFi 6 devices with WAX610.

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Data publikacji: 2022-10-20

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